Can Grimoire magic create the perfect Christmas, or will Scrooge ruin everything?

It’s Humphrey’s first ever Christmas with Grimoire Society of Dark Acts, and the society is bringing their friends together on Christmas Eve while they decorate the house and the (enormous) tree. Carmichael has a special surprise planned this year, one that will wow the whole group, but Scrooge is being a Scrooge and won’t cooperate. What will the group get up to the night before Christmas?

Read Christie Stratos’s new Christmas short story, with Victorian Christmas traditions, lighthearted warm fun, magic, and all your favorite Dark Acts characters! Her Patreon is pay what you wish—and it’s worth it just for this wonderful Christmas short story!

A Very Grimoire Christmas by Christie Stratos

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Book Launch: What gift can make Jacob and Skylar’s first Christmas together the sweetest?

After an eventful fall term, Skylar and Jacob are finally together and getting ready to spendSnowflake Kisses by Jordon Greene their first holiday together.

It′s an extra special holiday for Skylar though. It′s his first Christmas with the Grays as part of a real family, and he′s both nervous and excited. Could this be the Christmas he finally feels like he truly belongs?

Jacob is looking forward to spending the weekend with his boyfriend, but right before the trip his anxiety kicks in. He hasn′t found Sky a gift yet, and he′s freaking out! There are so many things he could get but only the most amazing will do for his Skylar. Will Jacob be able to find the perfect gift in time?

Read Snowflake Kisses, a Noahverse story

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Book Launch: Are these superpowered teenagers heroes, villains, or liars?

After saving their hometown from a rampaging monster, Expanding Cracks by Ben PickRachel, Tracy, and Derek are
wary of the extra attention. Some praise them, others fear them, while many think the fight was an elaborate hoax. Buried under mountains of schoolwork, they’re failing to find the balance in their lives.

Cracks to the void continue to open, allowing more destructive monsters to breach their world.

Can they stop these otherworldly attacks and fix the devastation they caused or will they be revealed to be fake heroes as their world crumbles?

Read the second book in the Into The Void series

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Book Launch: ‘Tis the Season to solve a Lily Rock cozy mystery prequel!

The last thing Officer Dixie Jones wants to do over winter break is take an assignment in the Podunk town of Lily Rock. But if locating a missing baby Jesus statue for the'Tis the Season by Bonnie Hardy Christmas tree lighting ceremony is what she needs to do to land the big city assignment of her dreams, that’s exactly what she’ll do.

As soon as Dixie arrives in town she realizes there are worse things at play than stolen decorations. Mysterious emails. Biker gang activity. A deadly fire.

One thing is clear, there is more to Lily Rock than meets the eye.

As the countdown to Christmas continues, many begin to worry if the tree lighting will take place at all. Realizing she’s become attached to the charming town and its residents, Dixie is determined to give them the merry celebration they deserve.

Can she unravel the mysteries before sleigh bells ring? Or will an exposed secret cause her to have a blue Christmas?

Welcome to Lily Rock Holiday Mystery is a prequel spin-off series to the Lily Rock Mystery series. Enjoy fresh adventures with the characters you love!

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Book Launch: When there is no one left to turn to, revenge is the only answer

Some of us die long before our hearts stop beating.

Tessa believes she’s the reason a serial killer is targeting the residents of her small town. Allof Hinton’s victims have some connection to her and if that’s not enough, her cousin Smother by Lee DawnaGary, leader of the local charter of the notorious Leidolf biker club, has assigned the man she hates most to be her bodyguard—her ex-boyfriend, Warren.

Adding to the tension of the already stressed town is the presence of a rival bike charter. They may be in town to help root out the killer before the next gruesome murder, but values are clashing and control of Hinton’s club is at stake. No one can be trusted. A charter war is on the horizon and it will only take an ember to set it ablaze.

Gary’s right-hand man, the sadistic Chopper, has a close relationship with Tessa that makes him more protective of her than ever. When he metes out brutal revenge on her behalf in front of the entire town and media, the spark of war is lit. But it’s Tessa’s own explosive secrets that are the catalyst that blows everything up, setting in motion a deadly blaze of events no one is prepared for.

Broken trust, shocking betrayals, and volatile secrets rock the Hinton charter as their small town is brought to its knees.

When there is no one left to turn to, revenge is the only answer.

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Book Launch: Who Knew A Vicious Goose Could Bring Two People Together?

Easton Belle is living his college dream: living with his best friend, underage drinking,This I Promise You by Jordon Greene and Kabob Dàniel working part-time at a local pet kennel, and running a successful social media campaign to keep a hardline theist out of Congress. However, that dream never included his horrid choice in men causing an unhealthy need to be wanted and his multiple sclerosis with its unpredictable symptoms. He also never expected to accidentally end up at a frat party that leads to a crazy drunk call and maybe the best days of his life. As long as this guy doesn’t find out about his illness, maybe it’ll be different this time.

Paul Acre doesn’t know what his dream is. All he’s ever really wanted was to get as far away from Kansas City as possible. So he did. But running away from the demons of his past doesn’t stop them from catching up to him when his new roommate, Huxley, and the annoying AF man-child who smells like spicy citrus challenge his entire perception on life. Then he gets a random call at 2 am from a number he doesn’t know, and a drunk voice he recognizes demands a knight in shining armor come to his rescue. But can he trust his thoughts and feelings? After all, trust is a weakness that’s hurt him far too many times.

Read This I Promise You by Jordon Greene and Kalob Dàniel

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NEW Writing Coach Service Available Now! Experienced Online Writing Mentor.

Proof Positive has been offering our coaching service to clients for a long time, and now we’re opening it up to everyone!

See the details on our new Coaching page.

If you’re looking for a writing coach who can answer both general and specific questions about craft and your personal writing project, you’ve come to the right place. Proof Positive works with experienced and beginner authors, and with nearly tens years of experience in editing, we have a passion for making your story the best it can be.

If craft is not what you’re looking for, we can also help with project planning and accountability.

Contact us to see how we can help.

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Book Launch: Can a sprig of thyme and a retirement community help solve murders?

In between jobs, Olivia Greer is helping residents of the Hello Age retirement communityA Thymely Death by Bonnie Hardy on to their bus when one of their own is found dead. Murdered in the herb garden, a sprig of thyme is clutched tight in his cold, lifeless hand. Worse yet, Olivia’s former student, Raleigh Ulrich, is suspected of the crime.

Now, Olivia is on the case and determined to clear Raleigh’s name. Unfortunately, focusing will be difficult.

A trapped squirrel terrorizing her car.
Her phone mysteriously dropping calls.
It seems someone or something is sabotaging her investigation.

As residents come forward with shocking revelations, Olivia begins to fear something nefarious is happening at Hello Age. With hunky architect Michael Bellemare can they uncover the truth before Thyme runs out?

The laughs and intrigue continue in A Thymely Death, the fourth book in the Lily Rock Mystery series!

Read the Lily Rock Mystery series

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Book Launch: What if the love of your life was a murderer?

A nurse who may be a murderer—and she’s the love of his life.

Despite their twelve-year age difference, and all his efforts to forget her, green-eyed Lily Marked By Forever by Lee DawnaBeller has imprisoned Dr. Darren Mansfield’s heart for the last five years. He left his father’s medical practice to avoid the too-young temptation, but now she’s inexplicably working at the same hospital as him.

For the sake of his career and his sanity, he needs Lily gone. He also needs answers about the plague of horrific events that have started to further upend his life with all too coincidental timing. He doesn’t want to believe Lily is behind them, but all the evidence points to her.

To complicate matters further, while his mind is focused on Lily, her roommate Jill becomes determined to win him. And if he was smart, he’d let her. Because Lily has a boyfriend—one who might be helping her punish Darren over a past he can’t atone for.

Secrets, gaslighting, murder, obsessive love—everything is about to explode, and the damage may be irreversible.

Read the Beller Ties series

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Book Launch: Could Tommy’s New Boyfriend Also Be His Stalker?

There’s always that one guy. You know the one. When you’re around him, he makes your Cherry on Top by Lucas Delrosepalms sweat. Your knees shake. And you mess up your words. For Tommy Golde, that’s how Evan makes him feel. Tommy’s an attractive guy in his 20s who works at an ice cream parlor. He’s dated guys before, and he’s pretty confident with them.

But with Evan, it’s different.

Weirdly different.

Around the time he starts seeing Evan, Tommy feels he’s being followed. And what’s with the weird shadow that sometimes appears out of nowhere?

When it gets to be too creepy, Tommy trusts his friends and co-worker to help him find out who’s stalking him and why. But in the back of his mind, he begins to wonder if his trust is misplaced…

Could one of the people he asked for help be the one behind the mystery?

Read Cherry on Top by Lucas Delrose

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