Book Launch: Dark and Twisted Dystopian Science Fiction Anthology

Four short stories from the desolate and tempestuous imagination of Jessica Halsey.

Originally published on Kindle Unlimited as “Speculative E-Shorts.”

The Wish Maker and Other Stories Jessica Halsey

Artist Konn Lavery’s work on Jessica Halsey’s The Wish Maker cover

“The Wish Maker” is a war-torn dystopian exposing the disturbing similarities between real-life evils and a larger-than-life Lovecraftian monster.

“Namaste Apocalypse” is a character-driven slice-of-life about maintaining healthy lifestyle habits during the zombie apocalypse.

“The Promise” is a YA dystopian tragedy about poison fog and an underground civilization.

“Echo” is a fast-paced corporate sci-fi adventure that combines notes of dark humor with all too possible futuristic concepts.

This collection includes a bonus preview of The Slaughter Chronicles, a genetic engineering supernatural suspense series.

Read Jessica Halsey’s short stories and poetry

The Wish Maker and Other Stories Jessica Halsey After the Flood by Jessica Halsey

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